100 Influential photos

Joe Rosenthal took this photo. It is but a speck of an island 760 miles south of Tokyo, a volcanic pile that blocked the Allies’ march toward Japan. The Americans needed Iwo Jima as an air base, but the Japanese had dug in. U.S. troops landed on February 19, 1945, beginning a month of fighting that claimed the lives of 6,800 Americans and 21,000 Japanese. On the fifth day of battle, the Marines captured Mount ­Suribachi. I choose this photo because its inspiring.

This was taken by  Michael Fay.  National Geographic Society explorer Michael Fay undertook an arduous 2,000-mile trek from the Congo in central Africa to Gabon on the continent’s west coast. That was where Nichols captured a photograph of something astonishing—­hippopotamuses swimming in the midnight blue Atlantic Ocean. It was an event few had seen before—while hippos spend most of their time in water, their habitat is more likely to be an inland river or swamp than the crashing sea. I choose this photo because Hippopotamuses are extremely dangerous. And the photographer got extremely close.

Sam Shere was the person who took this photo. Naval Air Station on May 6, 1937, for the 804-foot-long LZ 129 Hindenburg to drift in from Frankfurt. Suddenly, as the assembled media watched, the grand ship’s flammable hydrogen caught fire, causing it to spectacularly burst into bright yellow flames and kill 36 people. Shere was one of nearly two dozen still and newsreel photographers who scrambled to document the fast-moving tragedy. I choose this because it was a very sad event caught on camera.

Light room editing

Similarities: Both are photo editing software from Adobe that can enhance images, apply filters, adjust colors, crop, resize, and export photos.

Differences: Photoshop is more powerful and has more features for advanced editing, such as layers, masks, selections, and pixel-level manipulation. Lightroom is more streamlined and has more tools for organizing, sorting, and batch processing photos.

White Balence

White balance in photography

The definition of white balance in photography is “the process of removing or neutralizing color casts in your images – because at its core, white balance is about ensuring the colors in your photograph appear as they do in real life.” You see different light sources emit light with various temperatures and/or tints. The white balance refers to the process of removing or neutralizing color cats in your images. Balance is important because they prevent you from capturing accurate, true colors in a scene. Also, color cast tends to look bad. To set your camera in a white balance mode just set it to “Auto white balance function”. For the white balance in lightroom go to, First, open an image in the Develop module, then find the WB section on the right-hand side: Next, select the Eyedropper icon: Then click on a part of your image that should look a neutral gray or white. (Don’t be afraid to click in a few different places, especially if you’re not sure what counts as “neutral.”) You probably won’t need to adjust the Tint slider much, but feel free to drag the Temp slider back and forth until you get a neutral image.

Sunny, which works for mid-morning and mid-afternoon sun Shade, which works for scenarios with heavy shade (e.g., portraits under a tree) Cloudy, which works for outdoor scenes featuring overcast lighting Flash, which works for scenes lit by standard off-camera speedlights and pop-up flashes Incandescent, which works for indoor scenes lit by standard warm bulbs Fluorescent, which works for indoor scenes lit by fluorescent bulbs


1 Eye contact in the portrait can make the picture pop out.

2 Good lighting will make the picture look better.

3 Introducing a prop into the picture can make the people look at the two main points.

  1. Use a long lens (anything in the 100mm+ range should work), then zoom in to capture some detail shots.
  2. Use the right Iso depending on if your indoor or outdoor.
  3. Wear cloths the pop, like colors red and yellow.
  4. Choose a good background and location, don have restrooms in your background, Instead use a blank wall.
  5. The best portrait photos tend to look natural, which requires natural poses, but also natural expressions.
  6. Enhance the colors with editing the photos.
  7. Have the subject get out of their comfort zone, Like jumping in the air.

Motion Blur

18.00mm, f/8, iso200, 1/5sec, AV

18.00mm, f/16, iso200, 1sec, AV

18.00mm, f/16, iso200, 2.6sec, AV

I think this photo was taken with a 150mm f/16, 2sec, AV

I think this photo was taken with a 150mm f/5.6, 20sec

Some tips I would give a beginner starting action blur would be to Shoot in AV mode. Some other tips would be to find a good background.

Depth of field

lens 200mm. f5.6

lens 20mm, f16

Shallow depth of field 200mm, f5.6, iso400

Good depth of field 18mm, F16, iso 400

The definition of depth of field is “the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.” A way to get good depth of field is to use 18mm, F16, iso 400. A way to get a shallow depth of field is to use 200mm, f5.6, iso400.

Digital collage

This collage reflects on me in different ways. The first way is the cars on the bottom, these cars are my dream cars. The airplane represents traveling, I love traveling and I’ve been to Paris. The according represents the type of music I like; Also, I would like to learn how to play the accordion. The Mexican flag represents me being Mexican. I play baseball so I but a baseball. And the group of people are the artist I listen to.,


  1. Yes, I believe my photos have good composition.
  2. I believe that I edited my photos well, I did 2 black and white, and the other one was edited to be a bit darker after edited.
  3. One thing that I might to different would be to shoot a different subject, although I did like the one, I choose.
  4. I don’ t think my photos should be on the home page, I just wanted to take pictures of what I thought would look cool. I’m sure the are other pictures that are more creative that should go on the home page.

Emanuel per.5

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